An ADHD comprehensive treatment plan can provide the help you need in addressing ADHD symptoms in your child. Here at Fastbraiin, we believe there exists two elements of effective ADHD treatment: 1. Understanding ADHD as a positive and 2. Finding and utilizing an ADHD comprehensive treatment plan.
ADHD Treatment As a Car Race
In thinking of treating ADHD in your child, you need to think less of ADHD as a broken bone and think more of it as a car race. If you treated a broken bone, you would focus all of your attention on one thing: setting and healing the broken bone. On the other hand, if you wanted to win a car race, you would need to build a team to help you.
With a care race, you would need to have a mechanic to build you a fast engine. You would need a car designer to develop a fast car body. Finally, you would need to have professionals work on suspension and tires.
Similarly, in treating ADHD symptoms, you can’t just address one element of your child’s life. Your child does not just exist as a student or a son or a daughter or an athlete. They perform all of these functions in their lives.
Like all of us, your child’s life exists on multiple levels and in many environments. He studies at school. He plays sports on his school team. He’s a thinker, dreamer, and comedian.
Developing an ADHD Comprehensive Treatment Plan
Your child's personality and characteristics cannot be summarized into one dimension. The treatment for his ADHD shouldn’t be condensed into one dimension either. He needs an ADHD comprehensive treatment plan that treats him holistically.
Implementing an effective ADHD comprehensive treatment plan begins with helping your child understand the positive aspects of ADHD. Don’t see the positives yourself? Read more on the positives in this blog about 5 super strengths of ADHD adults and in this post on identifying the strengths of your child with ADHD.
After your child grasps this new perspective on being Fastbraiin, the next step involves creating positive feelings between your child and specific functions and activities. These positive connections need to be across the spectrum of their interactions.
Build positive connections in their medical, behavioral, and educational environments. These three areas serve as the three important aspects of an effective ADHD comprehensive treatment plan.
1. The Medical Aspect
How does your child feel about going to see their medical doctor? Do they dread the experience? Do they look forward to anything and everything but going to their practitioner? If so, why is this?
If this is the case, they are not alone. Most people hate going to the doctor. People don’t like seeing their doctor because they associate the experience with something negative: being sick.
Your child most likely makes the same association. They have to see the doctor because something within them is wrong. They are sick.
Medical care and your doctor play a pivotal role in an effective ADHD comprehensive treatment plan. To make the plan work you need to show your child the positives about going to the doctor.
The first step in correcting this destructive framework of negative thinking involves reinforcing the notion that ADHD isn’t a negative diagnosis. After putting this concept into your child’s mind, next you need to reinforce the positive attributes of the physician relationship.
Remind your child that everyone sees a doctor all the time and not just because they are sick. People see a doctor to help them improve or help their daily performance.
Your child should understand that the doctor does not just help people who are sick. The doctor helps healthy people, too. Creating positive feelings about the medical aspect of ADHD care goes a long way towards overcoming the negative ADHD stigma.
2. The Behavioral Aspect
Going to see a counselor can sometimes feel just as bad if not worse than going to see a physician. The mind jumps to the fear that not only does my body need fixing but also my mind as well. Again, going to see a counselor, like going to see a doctor, has little to do with fixing anything. Rather, you should understand it more as fine-tuning.
For instance, professional athletes see doctors almost everyday of their working lives. Similarly, race car drivers have mechanics work on their cars every single day. Why do they do this?
You can easily grasp the underlying concept at work. They don’t do these things because something breaks everyday. They do these things because they want to be the best and perform the best they can. The same is true with your child seeing a counselor.
The counselor, like a mechanic on a racing team, as one member of your pit crew helps your child perform at their best. Counselors help you and your child identify the underlying causes for behavior and help implement productive behavioral modifications.
We know that behavior therapy has been found to aid children with ADHD. Utilize counselors as one aspect of your ADHD comprehensive treatment plan to find success in treating ADHD.
3. The Educational Aspect
Your child spends most of their waking lives in one place, Monday through Friday, for most of their growing lives: in a classroom. Education works as a two way street. You need your child’s teachers and they need you. At its core, ADHD success involves parent and teacher.
A successful ADHD comprehensive treatment plan depends on effective use of the educational environment. To help your child best in managing his ADHD, connect yourself with trained educators.
If your child’s school does not have teachers trained to manage ADHD, go to the administration. Tell them about resources for teacher training on ADHD. Work with your school to get up to speed on ADHD management techniques. In the end, you and your child will benefit from a quality structured educational plan.
Putting Your ADHD Comprehensive Treatment Plan into Effect
Have you ever thought about ADHD treatment in terms of a pit crew for a racing team? Here at FastBraiin, we believe you should. A racing team has a team of professionals working together for the same goal: to have a car run at its top performance.
Your approach to building an ADHD comprehensive treatment plan should have the same attributes and goal. You need to develop a team whose member all possess the same goal: ensuring your child can succeed at their top potential.
Enlist your doctor, counselor, and educators and work with them to build a positive connection between your child and all facets of their life experiences. Use the three aspects of medical, behavioral, and educational environments to effectively treat ADHD symptoms.